Towards Safe and Efficient Functional Reactive Programming
This page contains the accompanying code for my thesis "Towards Safe and Efficient Functional Reactive Programming".
The Agda code is available as a tarball, or it can be browsed as hyperlinked HTML (recommended).
Conceptual Models
N-ary FRP Library Code
Properties of N-ary FRP
Embedded Implementation of N-ary FRP
Embedded Implementation of N-ary FRP with Feedback
Now-Soon Models
Conceptual Model of N-ary FRP with Uninitialised Signals
Embedded Implementation of N-ary FRP with Uninitialised Signals
Decoupledness Matrices
The Haskell code is available as a tarball, or the source code files can be viewed individually.
Embedded Implementation of N-ary FRP
Embedded Implementation of N-ary FRP with Feedback
Modules used by both Embeddings
Last updated 16th February 2016.