{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type --no-termination-check #-}
module CFRP where
open import NeilPrelude
open import List
open import RealTime renaming (_₀>=₀_ to _>=_ ; _₀>₀_ to _>_)
open import Real hiding (_>=_)
Behaviour : Set → Set
Behaviour A = StartTime → SampleTime → A
Event : Set → Set
Event A = StartTime → SampleTime → List (Time × A)
constant : {A : Set} → A → Behaviour A
constant a = λ t₀ t₁ → a
liftB : {A B : Set} → (A → B) → Behaviour A → Behaviour B
liftB f beh = λ t₀ t₁ → f (beh t₀ t₁)
liftB2 : {A B C : Set} → (A → B → C) → Behaviour A → Behaviour B → Behaviour C
liftB2 f beh₁ beh₂ = λ t₀ t₁ → f (beh₁ t₀ t₁) (beh₂ t₀ t₁)
notYet : {A : Set} → Event A → Event A
notYet ev = λ t₀ t₁ → dropWhile (_>=_ t₀ ∘ fst) (ev t₀ t₁)
postulate when : {A : Set} → (A → Bool) → Behaviour A → Event A
postulate integral : Behaviour ℜ → Behaviour ℜ
iIntegral : ℜ → Behaviour ℜ → Behaviour ℜ
iIntegral x = liftB (_+_ x) ∘ integral
untilB : {A E : Set} → Behaviour A → Event E → (E → Behaviour A) → Behaviour A
untilB beh ev f t₀ t₁ with ev t₀ t₁
... | [] = beh t₀ t₁
... | (te , e) ∷ _ = (f e) te t₁
untilB' : {A E : Set} → Behaviour A → Event E → (E → Behaviour A) → Behaviour A
untilB' beh ev f t₀ t₁ with ev t₀ t₁
... | [] = beh t₀ t₁
... | (te , e) ∷ _ = (f e) t₀ t₁
replaceBeh₀ : {A E : Set} → Event E → Behaviour A → (E → Behaviour A) → Behaviour A
replaceBeh₀ ev beh f = untilB beh ev (λ e → replaceBeh₀ ev (f e) f)
runningInBB : {A B : Set} → Behaviour A → (Behaviour A → Behaviour B) → Behaviour B
runningInBB beh f = λ t₀ → f (λ _ → beh t₀) t₀
runningInEB : {A B : Set} → Event A → (Event A → Behaviour B) → Behaviour B
runningInEB ev f = λ t₀ → f (λ te → dropWhile ((_>_ te) ∘ fst) ∘ ev t₀) t₀
replaceBeh : {A E : Set} → Event E → Behaviour A → (E → Behaviour A) → Behaviour A
replaceBeh {A} {E} ev beh f = runningInEB ev (λ rev → replaceBehAux rev beh)
replaceBehAux : Event E → Behaviour A → Behaviour A
replaceBehAux rev beh' = untilB beh' rev (λ e → replaceBehAux (notYet rev) (f e))
open import BouncingBall
fallingBall : Ball → Behaviour Ball
fallingBall (h₀ , v₀) = let a = constant (negate g)
v = iIntegral v₀ a
h = iIntegral h₀ v
in liftB2 (_,_) h v
detectBounce : Behaviour Ball → Event Ball
detectBounce = when detectImpact
elasticBall : Ball → Behaviour Ball
elasticBall b = let beh = fallingBall b
in untilB beh (detectBounce beh) (elasticBall ∘ negateVel)
inelasticBall : Ball → Behaviour Ball
inelasticBall b = let beh = fallingBall b
in untilB beh (detectBounce beh) (λ _ → constant (O , O))
resetBall₀ : Event Ball → (Ball → Behaviour Ball) → Ball → Behaviour Ball
resetBall₀ ev f b = untilB (f b) ev (resetBall₀ ev f)
resetBall : Event Ball → (Ball → Behaviour Ball) → Ball → Behaviour Ball
resetBall ev f b = replaceBeh ev (f b) f