{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}

module PrimitivesD where

open import NeilPrelude
open import Real hiding (_*_) renaming (_⁺*_ to _*_)
open import CoreD
open import Maybe
open import Queue
open import Bool renaming (_∧_ to _&&_; _∨_ to _||_)



  -- utility constructor functions, hidden from FRP programmer

  mkSFcau :  {as bs Q}  (Δt  Q  Sample as  Q × Sample bs)  (Sample as  Q × Sample bs)  SF as bs cau
  mkSFcau f g = cprim (first (cnode f)  g)

  mkSFdec :  {as bs Q}  (Δt  Q  (Sample as  Q) × Sample bs)  (Sample as  Q)  Sample bs  SF as bs dec
  mkSFdec f g = dprim (dnode f  g)

  mkSFsource :  {as bs Q}  (Δt  Q  Q × Sample bs)  Q  Sample bs  SF as bs dec
  mkSFsource f q = mkSFdec ((result2  first) const f) (const q)

  mkSFtimeless :  {as bs Q}  (Q  Sample as  Q × Sample bs)  Q  SF as bs cau
  mkSFtimeless f q = mkSFcau (const f) (f q)

  mkSFstateless :  {as bs}  (Sample as  Sample bs)  SF as bs cau
  mkSFstateless f = mkSFtimeless (curry (second f)) unit

  mkSFchangeless :  {as bs}  Sample bs  SF as bs dec
  mkSFchangeless sb = mkSFsource  _ _  (unit , sb)) unit sb

  -- utility synonyms

  noEvent :  {A}  Sample (E A)
  noEvent = nothing

  event :  {A}  A  Sample (E A)
  event = just


identity :  {as}  SF as as cau
identity = arouter sfId

sfFst :  {as bs}  SF (as , bs) as cau
sfFst = arouter fstProj

sfSnd :  {as bs}  SF (as , bs) bs cau
sfSnd = arouter sndProj

infixr 90 _>>>_
infixr 91 _&&&_

_>>>_ :  {d₁ d₂ as bs cs}  SF as bs d₁  SF bs cs d₂  SF as cs (d₁  d₂)
_>>>_ = seq

_&&&_ :  {d₁ d₂ as bs cs}  SF as bs d₁  SF as cs d₂  SF as (bs , cs) (d₁  d₂)
_&&&_ = fan

rswitch :  {d₁ d₂ as bs A}  SF as (bs , E A) d₁  (A  SF as (bs , E A) d₂)  SF as bs (d₁  d₂)
rswitch = rswitcher

freeze :  {d as bs}  SF as bs d  SF as (bs , C (SF as bs d)) d
freeze = freezer

loop :  {d as bs cs}  SF (as , cs) bs d  SF bs cs dec  SF as bs d
loop = looper

weaken :  {d as bs}  SF as bs d  SF as bs cau
weaken = weakener


constantS :  {as A}  A  SF as (S A) dec
constantS = mkSFchangeless

never :  {as A}  SF as (E A) dec
never = mkSFchangeless noEvent

now :  {as}  SF as (E Unit) dec
now = mkSFsource  _ _  (unit , noEvent)) unit (event unit)

notYet :  {A}  SF (E A) (E A) cau
notYet = mkSFcau  _  curry id) (const (unit , noEvent))

filterE :  {A}  (A  Bool)  SF (E A) (E A) cau
filterE p = mkSFstateless (maybeFilter p)

hold :  {A}  A  SF (E A) (S A) cau
hold = mkSFtimeless  q  fork  fromMaybe q)

edge : SF (S Bool) (E Unit) cau
edge = mkSFtimeless  q i  (i , (if i && not q then event unit else noEvent))) true

when :  {A}  (A  Bool)  SF (C A) (E A) cau
when p = mkSFtimeless  q i  (p i , (if p i && not q then event i else noEvent))) true


  -- integral has a state consisting of: Total × Previous Sample

  IntegralState =  × 

  integrateRectangle : Δt  IntegralState  (  IntegralState) × 
  integrateRectangle δ (tot , x₁) =  let tot' = tot + (δ * x₁)
                                     in ((λ x₂  (tot' , x₂)) , tot')

  integrateTrapezium : Δt  IntegralState    IntegralState × 
  integrateTrapezium δ (tot , x₁) x₂ =  let tot' = tot + halfℜ (δ * (x₁ + x₂))
                                        in ((tot' , x₂) , tot')

integralS : SF (S ) (C ) dec
integralS = mkSFdec integrateRectangle  x₀  (O , x₀)) O

integralC : SF (C ) (C ) cau
integralC = mkSFcau integrateTrapezium  x₀  ((O , x₀) , O))


liftC :  {A B}  (A  B)  SF (C A) (C B) cau
liftC = mkSFstateless

liftS :  {A B}  (A  B)  SF (S A) (S B) cau
liftS = mkSFstateless

liftE :  {A B}  (A  B)  SF (E A) (E B) cau
liftE = mkSFstateless  maybeMap

liftC2 :  {A B Z}  (A  B  Z)  SF (C A , C B) (C Z) cau
liftC2 = mkSFstateless  uncurry

liftS2 :  {A B Z}  (A  B  Z)  SF (S A , S B) (S Z) cau
liftS2 = mkSFstateless  uncurry

merge :  {A B Z}  (A  Z)  (B  Z)  (A  B  Z)  SF (E A , E B) (E Z) cau
merge fa fb fab = mkSFstateless (uncurry (maybeMerge fa fb fab))

join :  {A B Z}  (A  B  Z)  SF (E A , E B) (E Z) cau
join = mkSFstateless  uncurry  maybeMap2

sampleWithC :  {A B Z}  (A  B  Z)  SF (C A , E B) (E Z) cau
sampleWithC f  = mkSFstateless (uncurry (maybeMap  f))

sampleWithS :  {A B Z}  (A  B  Z)  SF (S A , E B) (E Z) cau
sampleWithS f = mkSFstateless (uncurry (maybeMap  f))


fromS :  {A}  SF (S A) (C A) cau
fromS = mkSFstateless id

dfromS :  {A}  A  SF (S A) (C A) dec
dfromS = mkSFdec  _ q  (id , q)) id


private DelayQueue : Set  Set
        DelayQueue A = Queue (ReleaseTime⁺ × A)

        ready : {A : Set}  CurrentTime  ReleaseTime⁺ × A  Bool
        ready ct (rt , _) = ct ₀>=⁺ rt

delayC :  {A}  Time⁺  (Time  A)  SF (C A) (C A) dec
delayC {A} d f = mkSFdec delayAuxC  a₀  (O , nothing , enQueueC O a₀ emptyQueue)) (f O) 
         -- The "Maybe A" tells us whether we are still in the delay period (nothing) or not (just a, where a is the most recent output sample)
         DelayStateC = CurrentTime × Maybe A × DelayQueue A

         enQueueC : CurrentTime  A  DelayQueue A  DelayQueue A
         enQueueC t a = enQueue (t ₀+⁺ d , a)

         deQueueC : CurrentTime  DelayQueue A  Maybe (DelayQueue A × ReleaseTime⁺ × A)
         deQueueC t = deQueueWhileLast (ready t)

         deQueueCstate : CurrentTime  Maybe A  DelayQueue A  Maybe A × DelayQueue A × A
         deQueueCstate t st q with deQueueC t q
         deQueueCstate t st q        | just (q' , (_ , a₂)) = (just a₂ , q' , a₂)
         deQueueCstate t nothing   q | nothing = (nothing , q , f t)
         deQueueCstate t (just a₁) q | nothing = (just a₁ , q , a₁)

         delayAuxTimeC : CurrentTime  Maybe A  DelayQueue A  (A  DelayStateC) × A
         delayAuxTimeC t ma₁ q with deQueueCstate t ma₁ q
         ... | (ma₂ , q' , a₂) = ((λ a  (t , ma₂ , enQueueC t a q')) , a₂)

         delayAuxC : Δt  DelayStateC  (A  DelayStateC) × A
         delayAuxC δ (t₁ , ma₁ , q) = delayAuxTimeC ((δ ⁺+₀ t₁) >0) ma₁ q

delayS :  {A}  Time⁺  A  SF (S A) (S A) dec
delayS {A} d a₀ = mkSFdec delayAuxS  a₁  (O , a₀ , enQueueS O a₁ emptyQueue)) a₀
         DelayStateS = CurrentTime × A × DelayQueue A

         enQueueS : CurrentTime  A  DelayQueue A  DelayQueue A
         enQueueS t a = enQueue (t ₀+⁺ d , a)

         deQueueS : CurrentTime  A  DelayQueue A  DelayQueue A × A
         deQueueS t a₁ q with deQueueWhileLast (ready t) q
         ... | nothing              = (q  , a₁)
         ... | just (q' , (_ , a₂)) = (q' , a₂)

         delayAuxTimeS : CurrentTime  A  DelayQueue A  (A  DelayStateS) × A
         delayAuxTimeS t a₁ q with deQueueS t a₁ q
         ... | (q' , a₂) = ((λ a  (t , a₂ , enQueueS t a q')) , a₂)

         delayAuxS : Δt  DelayStateS  (A  DelayStateS) × A
         delayAuxS δ (t₁ , a₁ , q) = delayAuxTimeS ((δ ⁺+₀ t₁) >0) a₁ q

delayE :  {A}  Time⁺  SF (E A) (E A) dec
delayE {A} d = mkSFdec delayAuxE  e₀  (O , enQueueE O e₀ emptyQueue)) noEvent
         DelayStateE = CurrentTime × DelayQueue A

         Event = Maybe

         enQueueE : CurrentTime  Event A  DelayQueue A  DelayQueue A
         enQueueE t nothing  = id
         enQueueE t (just a) = enQueue (t ₀+⁺ d , a)

         deQueueE : CurrentTime  DelayQueue A  DelayQueue A × Event A
         deQueueE t q with deQueueIf (ready t) q
         ... | nothing             = (q  , noEvent)
         ... | just (q' , (_ , a)) = (q' , event a)

         delayAuxTimeE : CurrentTime  DelayQueue A  (Event A  DelayStateE) × Event A
         delayAuxTimeE t q with deQueueE t q
         ... | (q' , e₂) = ((λ e  (t , enQueueE t e q')) , e₂)

         delayAuxE : Δt  DelayStateE  (Event A  DelayStateE) × Event A
         delayAuxE δ (t₁ , q) = delayAuxTimeE ((δ ⁺+₀ t₁) >0) q 
