{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}

open import NeilPrelude
open import Data.Bool
open import Properties

module Logic where


record True : Set where

absurd : {A : Set}  False  A
absurd ()

ProveTruth : {P : Set}  (True  P)  P
ProveTruth p = p _

↔-refl : Reflexive _↔_
↔-refl = id , id

↔-trans : Transitive _↔_
↔-trans = ×-map2 _⋙_ _∘_

↔-sym : Symmetric _↔_
↔-sym = swap

↔-≡ : {A : Set}  {a b c d : A}  (a  c)  (b  d)  (a  b)  (c  d)
↔-≡ refl refl = id , id

-- Need to find a way to generalise Equational so that it can cope with ↔ as well
-- The problem is that ↔ doesn't paramaterise over a (A : Set) the way that relations do.
infixr 1 _↔⟨_⟩_ _→⟨_⟩_ _←⟨_⟩_ _→⟨_⟩↔_ _←⟨_⟩↔_
infix  2 _qed _Qed _←⟨_⟩TRUE

_↔⟨_⟩_ : {B C : Set}  (A : Set)  A  B  B  C  A  C
_↔⟨_⟩_ _ = ↔-trans

_→⟨_⟩_ : {B C : Set}  (A : Set)  (A  B)  (B  C)  (A  C)
_→⟨_⟩_ _ = _⋙_

_←⟨_⟩_ : {B C : Set}  (A : Set)  (B  A)  (C  B)  (C  A)
_←⟨_⟩_ _ = _∘_

_→⟨_⟩↔_ : {B C : Set}  (A : Set)  (A  B)  (B  C)  (A  C)
_→⟨_⟩↔_ _ = λ ab bc  bc  fst ab

_←⟨_⟩↔_ : {B C : Set}  (A : Set)  (B  A)  (C  B)  (C  A)
_←⟨_⟩↔_ _ = λ ab cb  fst ab  cb

_←⟨_⟩TRUE : (A : Set)  A  (True  A)
_←⟨_⟩TRUE _ a _ = a

_qed : (A : Set)  (A  A)
_ qed = ↔-refl

_Qed : (A : Set)  (A  A)
_ Qed = id

≡→↔ : {A B : Set}  A  B  A  B
≡→↔ refl = ↔-refl


isTrue : Bool  Set
isTrue true  = True
isTrue false = False

magic : {A : Set}  (True  False)  A
magic p = absurd (p _)

-- "Sat"isfies the predicate

Sat : {A : Set}  (A  Bool)  A  Set
Sat p = isTrue  p

isFalse : Bool  Set
isFalse = Sat not

trueIsTrue : {b : Bool}  b  true  isTrue b
trueIsTrue refl = _

falseIsFalse : {b : Bool}  b  false  isFalse b
falseIsFalse refl = _


isJust : {A : Set}  Maybe A  Bool
isJust nothing  = false
isJust (just _) = true

isNothing : {A : Set}  Maybe A  Bool
isNothing nothing   = true
isNothing (just _)  = false

IsJust : {A : Set}  Maybe A  Set
IsJust = Sat isJust

IsNothing : {A : Set}  Maybe A  Set
IsNothing = Not  IsJust

lem-isNothing : {A : Set}  {ma : Maybe A}  IsNothing ma  ma  nothing
lem-isNothing {_} {nothing} _ = refl
lem-isNothing {_} {just _}  p = magic p

lem-isNothingEq : {A : Set}  {ma mb : Maybe A}  IsNothing ma  IsNothing mb  ma  mb
lem-isNothingEq p q = trans (lem-isNothing p) (sym (lem-isNothing q))

lem-just≠nothing : {A : Set}  {a : A}  just a  nothing
lem-just≠nothing ()


implDist : {P Q R : Set}  (P  Q  R)  (P  R) × (Q  R)
implDist = λ f  f  inl , f  inr

implDistR : {P Q R : Set}  (P  R) × (Q  R)  (P  Q  R)
implDistR = λ pq  case (fst pq) (snd pq)

NotNot : {P : Set}  P  Not (Not P)
NotNot = applyTo

contpos : {P Q : Set}  (P  Q)  (Not Q  Not P)
contpos = _⋙_

nn-antecedent : {P Q : Set}  (Not (Not P)  Q)  (P  Q)
nn-antecedent = argument applyTo

nn-consequent : {P Q : Set}  (P  Q)  (P  Not (Not Q))
nn-consequent f = applyTo  f

impl-contr : {P Q : Set}  (P  Q)  P  Not Q  False
impl-contr f p nq = nq (f p)

ProofIrrelevence : Set  Set
ProofIrrelevence P = (p q : P)  p  q

proofIrrelevence : {A : Set}  {a b : A}  ProofIrrelevence (a  b)
proofIrrelevence refl refl = refl


-- Classical Logic (depends on the excluded middle)

EM : Set
EM =  {P}  P  Not P

Decidable : Set  Set
Decidable P = P  Not P

em-isTrue : {b : Bool}  isTrue b  Not (isTrue b)
em-isTrue {false} = inr id
em-isTrue {true}  = inl _

contradiction : {P : Set}  Decidable P  Not (Not P)  P
contradiction (inl p)  nnp = p
contradiction (inr np) nnp = absurd (nnp np)

contpos-em : {P Q : Set}  Decidable P  (Not P  Not Q)  (Q  P)
contpos-em em f q = contradiction em (flip f q)

nn-antecedent-em : {P Q : Set}  Decidable P  (P  Q)  (Not (Not P)  Q)
nn-antecedent-em (inl p)  f nnp = f p
nn-antecedent-em (inr np) f nnp = absurd (nnp np)

nn-consequent-em : {P Q : Set}  Decidable Q  (P  Not (Not Q))  (P  Q)
nn-consequent-em em f p = contradiction em (f p)

notBoth : {P Q : Set}  Decidable P  Decidable Q  Not (P × Q)  Not P  Not Q
notBoth (inl (inl p))  nb = inr  q  nb (p , q))
notBoth (inl (inr np)) nb = inl np
notBoth (inr (inl q))  nb = inl  p  nb (p , q))
notBoth (inr (inr nq)) nb = inr nq

-- nn-Bool : {b : Bool} → Not (Not (isTrue b)) → isTrue b
-- nn-Bool = case const (λ nb → absurd ∘ applyTo nb) em-Bool

-- Some lemmas of forall and exists

-- lem1 : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → Σ A P → Not (Π A (Not ∘ P))
-- lem1 (a , pa) f = f a pa

-- lem2 : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → Σ A (Not ∘ P) → Not (Π A P)
-- lem2 (a , npa) f = npa (f a)

-- lem3 : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → Π A P → Not (Σ A (Not ∘ P))
-- lem3 f (a , npa) = npa (f a)

-- lem4 : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → Π A (Not ∘ P) → Not (Σ A P)
-- lem4 f (a , pa) = f a pa

-- lem5 : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → EM → Not (Π A (Not ∘ P)) → Σ A P
-- lem5 em p = case id (λ nap → absurd (p (curry nap))) em

-- lem-nAEn : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → EM → Not (Π A P) → Σ A (Not ∘ P)
-- lem-nAEn {A} {P} em nap with em {A}
-- ... | inr na = absurd (nap (λ a → absurd (na a)))
-- ... | inl a with em {P a}
-- ...   | inl pa   = {!!}
-- ...   | inr npa = a , npa

must-always-cur : {A : Set}  {P : A  Set}  EM  Π A (Not  Not  P)  Π A P
must-always-cur em npa a = contradiction em (npa a)

must-always : {A : Set}  {P : A  Set}  EM  Not (Σ A (Not  P))  Π A P
must-always em = must-always-cur em  curry

must-exist : {A : Set}  {P : A  Set}  EM  Not (Π A (Not  P))  Σ A P
must-exist em nn = contradiction em (nn  curry)

must-exist-not : {A : Set}  {P : A  Set}  EM  Not (Π A P)  Σ A (Not  P)
must-exist-not em nap = must-exist em  f  nap (must-always-cur em f))

must-exist-not2 : {A : Set}  {B : A  Set}  {P : (a : A)  B a  Set}  EM  Not (Π₂ A B P)  Σ A  a  Σ (B a) (Not  P a))
must-exist-not2 em = second' (must-exist-not em)  must-exist-not em

-- must-never : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → Not (Σ A P) → Π A (Not ∘ P)
-- must-never = curry

-- must-never2 : {A : Set} → {B : A → Set} → {P : (a : A) → B a → Set} → Not (Σ₂ A B P) → (a : A) → Π (B a) (Not ∘ P a)
-- must-never2 = curry2

-- lem-Aux : {A : Set} → {P : A → Set} → EM → Not (Π A (Not ∘ P)) → Σ A (Not ∘ Not ∘ P)
-- lem-Aux em nn with must-exist em nn
-- ... | a , p = a , NotNot p