{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}

open import NeilPrelude
open import Extensionality
open import CPO
open import CPOLemmas

module CPOFunctions where


infixr 80 _∙_


monotonic-id : {τ : Type}  Monotonic {τ} id
monotonic-id = id

preservesLUB-id : {τ : Type}  PreservesLUB {τ} id
preservesLUB-id (P , ⨆X) ((totX , ubX , lubX) , _) x ub = lubX x  y p  ub y (y , p , refl))

continuous-id : {τ : Type}  Continuous {τ} id
continuous-id = monotonic-id , preservesLUB-id

identity : {τ : Type}  CPO (τ  τ)
identity = fun id continuous-id


monotonic-const : {σ τ : Type}  (y : CPO τ)  Monotonic {σ} {τ}  _  y)
monotonic-const y _ = ⊑-refl

preservesLUB-const : {σ τ : Type}  (y : CPO τ)  PreservesLUB {σ}  _  y)
preservesLUB-const y (P , ⨆X) (_ , x , Px) y' q = q y (x , Px , refl)

continuous-const : {σ τ : Type}  (x : CPO τ)  Continuous {σ} {τ}  _  x)
continuous-const {σ} {τ} y = monotonic-const y , preservesLUB-const y

constant : {σ τ : Type}  (y : CPO τ)  CPO (σ  τ)
constant y = fun (const y) (continuous-const y)



  monotonic-fork : {τ : Type}  Monotonic {τ}  x  (x , x))
  monotonic-fork p = ⊑-prod p p

  preservesLUB-fork : {τ : Type}  PreservesLUB {τ}  x  (x , x))
  preservesLUB-fork {τ} (P , ⨆X) ((_ , ubX , lubX) , ne) (x₁ , x₂) ub = ⊑-prod (lubX x₁  x Px  fst (preservesLUB-fork-aux x Px)))
                                                                               (lubX x₂  x Px  snd (preservesLUB-fork-aux x Px)))
      preservesLUB-fork-aux : (x : CPO τ)  P x  (x  x₁) × (x  x₂)
      preservesLUB-fork-aux x p with ub (x , x) (x , p , refl)
      preservesLUB-fork-aux x p | ⊑-prod p₁ p₂ = p₁ , p₂

  continuous-fork : {τ : Type}  Continuous {τ}  x  (x , x))
  continuous-fork = monotonic-fork , preservesLUB-fork

fork-⊗ : {τ : Type}  CPO (τ  (τ  τ))
fork-⊗ = fun  x  x , x) continuous-fork



  preservesLUB-comp : {σ τ υ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ))  (g : CPO (τ  υ))  PreservesLUB (_$_ g  _$_ f)
  preservesLUB-comp {σ} {τ} {υ} f g (P , ⨆X) p z ubZ = preservesLUB g (chainImage f (P , ⨆X)) (imageIsNonEmptyChain f (P , ⨆X) p) z preservesLUB-comp-aux
      preservesLUB-comp-aux : (z' : CPO υ)  Σ (CPO τ)  y  Σ (CPO σ)  x  P x × f $ x  y) × g $ y  z')  z'  z
      preservesLUB-comp-aux ._ (._ , (x , Px , refl) , refl) = ubZ (g $ f $ x) (x , Px , refl)

  continuous-comp : {σ τ υ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ))  (g : CPO (τ  υ))  Continuous (_$_ g  _$_ f)
  continuous-comp f g = (monotonic g  monotonic f) , preservesLUB-comp f g

_∙_ : {σ τ υ : Type}  CPO (τ  υ)  CPO (σ  τ)  CPO (σ  υ)
g  f = fun (_$_ g  _$_ f) (continuous-comp f g)


monotonic-& : {σ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ  τ₂))  Monotonic  x  (f $ x) , (g $ x))
monotonic-& f g p = ⊑-prod (monotonic f p) (monotonic g p)

preservesLUB-& : {σ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ  τ₂))  PreservesLUB  x  (f $ x) , (g $ x))
preservesLUB-& {σ} {τ₁} {τ₂} f g (P , ⨆X) p (y₁ , y₂) ubY with preservesLUB f (P , ⨆X) p
                                                             | preservesLUB g (P , ⨆X) p
... | lubY₁ | lubY₂ = ⊑-prod (lubY₁ y₁ aux₁) (lubY₂ y₂ aux₂)

        ubY' : (y₁' : CPO τ₁)  (y₂' : CPO τ₂)  Σ (CPO σ)  s  P s × f $ s  y₁' × g $ s  y₂')  y₁'  y₁ × y₂'  y₂
        ubY' y₁' y₂' (s , Ps , eq₁ , eq₂) with ubY (y₁' , y₂') (s , (Ps , cong2 _,_ eq₁ eq₂))
        ... | ⊑-prod lt₁ lt₂ = lt₁ , lt₂

        aux₁ : (t₁ : CPO τ₁)  Σ (CPO σ)  s  P s × (f $ s  t₁))  t₁  y₁
        aux₁ ._ (s , Ps , refl) = fst (ubY' (f $ s) (g $ s) (s , Ps , refl , refl))

        aux₂ : (t₂ : CPO τ₂)  Σ (CPO σ)  s  P s × (g $ s  t₂))  t₂  y₂
        aux₂ ._ (s , Ps , refl) = snd (ubY' (f $ s) (g $ s) (s , Ps , refl , refl))

continuous-& : {σ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ  τ₂))  Continuous  x  (f $ x) , (g $ x))
continuous-& f g = monotonic-& f g  , preservesLUB-& f g

_:&:_ : {σ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ  τ₂))  CPO (σ  (τ₁  τ₂))
f :&: g = fun  x  (f $ x) , (g $ x)) (continuous-& f g)


_:×':_ : {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ₁  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ₂  τ₂))  (CPO (σ₁  σ₂)  CPO (τ₁  τ₂))
(f :×': g) (x , y) = (f $ x) , (g $ y)

monotonic-× : {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ₁  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ₂  τ₂))  Monotonic (f :×': g)
monotonic-× f g {x₁ , x₂} {y₁ , y₂} (⊑-prod p q) = ⊑-prod (monotonic f p) (monotonic g q)

preservesLUB-× : {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ₁  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ₂  τ₂))  PreservesLUB (f :×': g)
preservesLUB-× {σ₁} {σ₂} {τ₁} {τ₂} f g (P , ⨆X₁ , ⨆X₂) pXY (y₁ , y₂) ubY
      preservesLUB f (fstChain (P , ⨆X₁ , ⨆X₂)) (fstIsNonEmptyChain (P , ⨆X₁ , ⨆X₂) pXY)
    | preservesLUB g (sndChain (P , ⨆X₁ , ⨆X₂)) (sndIsNonEmptyChain (P , ⨆X₁ , ⨆X₂) pXY)

... | lubY₁ | lubY₂
                                   = ⊑-prod (lubY₁ y₁ aux₁) (lubY₂ y₂ aux₂)
        ubY' : (y₁' : CPO τ₁)  (y₂' : CPO τ₂)  Σ (CPO σ₁)  s₁  Σ (CPO σ₂)  s₂  P (s₁ , s₂) × f $ s₁  y₁' × g $ s₂  y₂'))  y₁'  y₁ × y₂'  y₂
        ubY' y₁' y₂' (s₁ , s₂ , Ps , eq₁ , eq₂) with ubY (y₁' , y₂') ((s₁ , s₂) , (Ps , cong2 _,_ eq₁ eq₂))
        ... | ⊑-prod lt₁ lt₂ = lt₁ , lt₂

        aux₁ : (t₁ : CPO τ₁)  Σ (CPO σ₁)  s₁  Σ (CPO σ₂)  s₂  P (s₁ , s₂)) × (f $ s₁  t₁))  t₁  y₁
        aux₁ ._ (s₁ , (s₂ , Pss) , refl) = fst (ubY' (f $ s₁) (g $ s₂) (s₁ , s₂ , Pss , refl , refl))

        aux₂ : (t₂ : CPO τ₂)  Σ (CPO σ₂)  s₂  Σ (CPO σ₁)  s₁  P (s₁ , s₂)) × (g $ s₂  t₂))  t₂  y₂
        aux₂ ._ (s₂ , (s₁ , Pss) , refl) = snd (ubY' (f $ s₁) (g $ s₂) (s₁ , s₂ , Pss , refl , refl))

continuous-× : {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ₁  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ₂  τ₂))  Continuous (f :×': g)
continuous-× f g = monotonic-× f g  , preservesLUB-× f g

_:×:_ : {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ₁  τ₁))  (g : CPO (σ₂  τ₂))  CPO ((σ₁  σ₂)  (τ₁  τ₂))
f :×: g = fun (f :×': g) (continuous-× f g)


∙-idL : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ))  identity  f  f
∙-idL (fun _ _) = injective-$ refl

∙-idR : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ : Type}  (f : CPO (σ  τ))  f  identity  f
∙-idR (fun _ _) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocLR : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν : Type}  (f : CPO (υ  ν))  (g : CPO (τ  υ))  (h : CPO (σ  τ))  (f  g)  h  f  (g  h)
∙-assocLR (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocRL : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν : Type}  (f : CPO (υ  ν))  (g : CPO (τ  υ))  (h : CPO (σ  τ))  f  (g  h)  (f  g)  h
∙-assocRL (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocLRE : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν ρ : Type}  (f : CPO (ν  ρ))  (g : CPO (υ  ν))  (h : CPO (τ  υ))  (i : CPO (σ  τ))  (f  g  h)  i  (f  g)  h  i
∙-assocLRE (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) (fun i ci) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocELR : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν ρ : Type}  (f : CPO (ν  ρ))  (g : CPO (υ  ν))  (h : CPO (τ  υ))  (i : CPO (σ  τ))  (f  g)  h  i  (f  g  h)  i
∙-assocELR (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) (fun i ci) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocRRLL : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν ρ : Type}  (f : CPO (ν  ρ))  (g : CPO (υ  ν))  (h : CPO (τ  υ))  (i : CPO (σ  τ))  f  (g  (h  i))  ((f  g)  h)  i
∙-assocRRLL (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) (fun i ci) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocRRLR : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν ρ : Type}  (f : CPO (ν  ρ))  (g : CPO (υ  ν))  (h : CPO (τ  υ))  (i : CPO (σ  τ))  f  (g  (h  i))  (f  (g  h))  i
∙-assocRRLR (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) (fun i ci) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocLRRR : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν ρ : Type}  (f : CPO (ν  ρ))  (g : CPO (υ  ν))  (h : CPO (τ  υ))  (i : CPO (σ  τ))  (f  (g  h))  i  f  (g  (h  i))
∙-assocLRRR (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) (fun i ci) = injective-$ refl

∙-assocEC : {{_ : Extensionality}}  {σ τ υ ν ρ : Type}  (f : CPO (ν  ρ))  (g : CPO (υ  ν))  (h : CPO (τ  υ))  (i : CPO (σ  τ))  (f  g)  (h  i)  f  (g  h)  i
∙-assocEC (fun f cf) (fun g cg) (fun h ch) (fun i ci) = injective-$ refl

∙-congR : {σ τ υ : Type}  {f g : CPO (τ  υ)}  (h : CPO (σ  τ))  f  g  f  h  g  h
∙-congR h refl = refl

∙-congL : {σ τ υ : Type}  {g h : CPO (σ  τ)}  (f : CPO (τ  υ))  g  h  f  g  f  h
∙-congL f refl = refl
